Big Questions:
1. What does it mean to analyze forces in 2D?
2. How do forces cause object to move in a circle?
3. What does it mean to be in orbit? How do satellites orbit planets? How do planets orbit the sun?
1. What does it mean to analyze forces in 2D?
2. How do forces cause object to move in a circle?
3. What does it mean to be in orbit? How do satellites orbit planets? How do planets orbit the sun?
For this weeks lab, we engaged in tasks that would give us
insight on motion is 2 dimensions.
This is different from analyzing a force in 1D because you only measure
one variable, x or y. But, with 2D
there is two! This will
incorporate geometry and our best friend SOH CAH TOA.
With the hover disk lab we spun a hover disk, with a string
attached to it, in a circle. The
hover disk is ACCELERATING. How
you ask? Not because its speed is
changing, but rather because its direction is changing. In order for an object to accelerate a
NET force needs to be acting on it.
When we let it go it traveled in a 90 degree angle. Again, why? Because of Newton’s 1st law. To address the third big question, the
tension force keeps an object going in a circle (which is identified as
orbiting). This is how planets
orbit the sun. They are in a sense
falling toward the earth. Due to
speed however they miss their target and keep on accelerating.
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